Fancy Walls Etsy wallpaper calculator

  1. Measure the length of the wall on both sides of each wall and use the longest measurement for the calculation.
  2. Measure the width of the wall at the top and the bottom of the wall since the actual width might  slightly wary.
  3. We recommend including doors and windows (or any other elements) in the measured area.
  4. Enter the width and the length in the calculator fields.

Navigate back to the design you found on the  Fancy Walls Store since we offer a 
different wallpaper material on our website. 

How to measure wall for wallpaper

Enter the dimensions

Please keep in mind that the results are valid only for our shop on Etsy since we offer a different wallpaper material on our website.

Imperial units Metric system

Inches Feet

Enter width of the wall:
  (1″ minimum)
Enter lenght of the wall:
  (19″ minimum, 144 maximum)

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